What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wondering what to do over the Break?

 Here are some Science Suggestions…

·        Learn about skyscrapers and build your own out of Legos or other materials.
·       Start a leaf collection.  Sort them by color, size, edges, veins, etc.
·       Visit the Seattle Aquarium and learn about sea life.
·       Learn about nutrition with the My Plate.gov and plan and make dinner.
·       Use ink & paper to make fingerprints.  Compare with a friend.
·       Visit the Brightwater Education Center and learn about water quality (Tour reservation online: Open 10-4)
·       Experiment with building paper airplanes and test how well they fly.

Keep checking this space for things to do, places to go and cool new science discoveries. 

Our science fair will be April 5, 2013
Keep on asking questions and exploring the world around you!

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