Need some ideas? You can find a question around the school (What brand of microwave popcorn has the fewest unpopped kernels?). Below are a few more example questions.
Be sure to check out the Fernwood blog ( for more questions and tips for doing your experiment and creating your poster.
Need more ideas? Head to the library—Fernwood, Mill Creek, Bothell.
Want some help? Come to the Fernwood library during any lunch recess starting 5 March.
A Few More Questions:
Does talking to your plant make it grow faster?
What hot wheels car gets to the bottom of the slide first?
Does a falling barometer predict rain every time?
Can you predict the weather based on the clouds?
What is the best method to clean your hands?
What cereal gets soggy fastest?
How much salt does it take to float an egg (try different salts)?
How can you change the color of a white flower?
At what distance is it optimal to start a slide into home base?
What kind of ball bounces the highest?
Does the shape of an ice cube affect how quickly it melts?
Take a look around—there are questions surrounding you begging for an answer!
Most importantly, Have Fun with Your Explorations!
Now, on your marks, get set, GO!