What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

More on liquids and other slippery science


New Zealand's Science Kids website on liquids: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/experiments/oilandwater.html

BBC Science Site http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/8_9/solid_liquids.shtml


 by Morgan, Ben,  Call Number: J 530.42 MORGAN

Solid or liquid?
 by Hansen, Amy. Call Number: E 531 HANSEN

Changing states : solids, liquids, and gases
 by Hurd, Will.  Call Number: J 530.474 HURD

Solids, liquids, and gases : from ice cubes to bubbles
 by Ballard, Carol. Call Number: J 530.4 BALLARD

All about solids, liquids & gases 
Call Number: J DVD-ED 530.4 ALL859 

Experiments with solids, liquids, and gases
 by Taylor-Butler, Christine. Call Number: J 530.4078 TAYLOR 

Sólidos, líquidos y gases
 by Royston, Angela.  Call Number: INTL-SPA J 530.4 ROYSTON

 by Manolis, Kay. Call Number: E 530 MANOLIS

Making things float and sink
by Gibson, Gary.  Call Number: J 532.2507 GIBSON

Halloween Science:

Crazy concoctions : a mad scientist's guide to messy mixtures
 by Brown, Jordan. Call Number: J 540.76 BROWN

Hands-on grossology : really gross science experiments
 by Branzei, Sylvia. Call Number: J 612 BRANZEI

Itch & ooze : gross stuff on your skin
 by Lew, Kristi. Call Number: J 616.5 LEW Part of the Gross Body Science series.

 by Branzei, Sylvia. Call Number: J 612 BRANZEI 


Popular mechanics for kids. Slither & slime and other yucky things
Call Number: J DVD-ED 500 POP231

Make an oozing pumpkin:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=608OIFWYnto&feature=related

Science Bob (Halloween Science) http://www.sciencebob.com/blog/?p=360 

Kitchen Science Frankenworms video at YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5IMbLz5y9c&list=PL2281B1F40EE2E65F&index=4&feature=plpp_video

Glowing Halloween ideas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEcCenyXVVw&feature=autoplay&list=PL2281B1F40EE2E65F&playnext=1

Other fun things to do:

Maplewood Rock and Gem Show:  November 10-11, 2012

Everett Imagine Children's Museum:

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Science Sleuths and Masterful Magicians Ages 6-12 
A kids-only science program! 
Rockin' Rockets

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Science Sleuths and Masterful Magicians Ages 6-12 
A kids-only science program! 
Body Dectectives

Pacific Science Center:

Life Sciences Research Weekend

Pacific Science Center Nov. 2-4, 2012
Friday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Saturday-Sunday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (nwabr.org) and Pacific Science Center have teamed up to create three days of demonstrations, interactive exhibits and talks for school children, families and citizen scientists interested in learning more about the exciting world of life sciences and the key role research plays in our daily lives.
The sixth annual Life Sciences Research Weekend at Pacific Science Center Friday through Sunday, November 2-4, 2012, promises guests hands-on science and face-to-face time with real scientists. Guests will have the exciting opportunity to meet leading edge researchers and some of the nation's top research scientists from companies and research institutions across the state.

Check out the Seattle Bug Safari http://www.seattlebugsafari.com/hours.htm

Watch the Salmon cam:

and read about the Salmon life cycle:    

Scholastic's the magic school bus goes upstream : a book about salmon migration
by Cole, Joanna.  Call Number: J 597.56 COLE

Sockeye's journey home : the story of a Pacific salmon
by Winkelman, Barbara Gaines, 1961-
Call Number: E 597.55 WINKELM

Visit Salmon Days in Issaquah this weekend Oct. 6th and 7th  http://www.salmondays.org/

1 comment:

  1. Liquids are one of the three chemical phase states that matter is found in. Whether a substance manifests as a solid, a liquid or a gas depends upon how tightly packed its molecules are to one another; this, in turn, frequently depends upon the temperature. In a solid, molecules are tightly bound to one another; in a liquid, they are bound firmly but not densely, which gives them the ability to flow; in a gas, molecules have few if any bonds to one another.
