What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Science Through a Straw

Straws are so much fun. I love to drink through them. Next time you’re out at a restaurant try this, and I promise it’s not embarrassing (or you can try it at home, too).

What you need:
2 drinking straws
One beverage of your choosing (just remember to ask with a please!)

What you do:
Put one straw in your drink—take a sip to make sure it works. Keep this straw in the right side of your mouth. Hold the second straw with the left side of your mouth making sure it is NOT in your drink. Take another sip. What happened? Okay, switch the straws around. Sip again. Hey! Did you break those straws? To find out what’s going on you’ll have to visit this blog again at the beginning of March.

The science fair is quickly approaching and we Need volunteers for our 6 April extravaganza. Moms and Dads, Uncles and Aunts, Grandparents and even your older siblings are wanted to make this an evening of excellent exploration, and delightful discovery. We’ve got jobs for every comer—setting-up, cleaning-up, licorice dispensing, demonstration monitoring, and speaker timing. Contact Amy Oliver (amyroliver@gmail.com) or Anca Stepan ([ancastepan@gmail. com]) to volunteer—Thank You!

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