What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Try these fun and Quirky Experiments!

Roll a can with static electricity

Items you need: empty soda can, blown up balloon, head of hair

1. Place the can on its side on a flat smooth surface like a table or a smooth floor. 2. Rub the blown up balloon back and forth through your hair really fast.3. Now the fun part - Hold the balloon close to the can without actually touching the can. The can will start to roll towards the balloon without you even touching it!

Follow Up Experiments:
1. Does the size of the balloon change the power of the pull?
2. How much water can you put in the can until the balloon can't pull it anymore?
Source: Science Bob, http://www.sciencebob.com/

Make a bone bend

Items you need : large jar to fit a chicken bone, chicken bone (drumstick), vinegar

1. Have a nice chicken dinner and save a bone. Leg bones work best.
2. Rinse off the bone in running water to remove any meat from the bone.
3. Notice how hard the bone is - gently try bending it. Like our bones, chicken bones have a mineral called calcium in them to make them hard.4.Put the bone into the jar and cover the bone with vinegar. It might be a good idea to put the lid on the jar or cover it - let it sit for 3 days5. After 3 days remove the bone. It should feel different. Now can rinse it off and try bending it again. Is it really a rubber bone?

Follow Up Experiments:
1. Does the length of time the bone is in vinegar affect how much the bone bends?
2. Do smaller size bones become "bendy" sooner?

Science Fair is coming up soon: April 6 2012! If you would like to help us please contact Anca Stepan (ancastepan@gmail.com) or Amy Oliver (amyroliver@gmail.com). Thank you for being a volunteer!!!

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