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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Your Nose Knows!

Can YOUR nose help YOU survive?

Materials: 4 clean jars

Method: Pour a quarter cup of milk in the first jar and date it. The next day do the same thing in the second jar. Date that one too. Do this the next day and the next. Leave the jars covered, at room temperature and exposed to some light.

Using your nose: On the fourth day get a willing friend to help you. Have your friend close her eyes and give her each of the jars to smell. Have him/ her rank the jars in order of how badly they smell. The old milk will smell bad and he/she will be repelled by it. The older it is the worse it will smell

Conclusion: This experiment helps you see why smell is important for human survival. Smells help us determine if food is safe to eat so before you take a bite out of your next meal let you nose test it first!
Source: http://www.essortment.com/science-experiments-kids-57143.html

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