See how we can impact our environment by going to Salmon Days in Issaquah this weekend, Oct. 1st and 2nd to visit the hatchery.

If you can't go yourself, check out the Salmon Cam! http://wdfw.wa.gov/wildwatch/salmoncam/video.html
Department of Fish and Wildlife site for kids on conservation: http://www.fws.gov/educators/students.html
City of Vancouver Salmon Page: http://www.cityofvancouver.us/watercenter.asp?waterid=24980&watersubid=27445
Best local places to watch salmon run: http://www.waterhavens.com/blog/attachments/king-county-salmon-runs-viewing-locations-seattle-area.pdf
Seattle Aquarium's Conservation page: http://www.seattleaquarium.org/page.aspx?pid=216
Audubon Society's Kids Web Page: http://web4.audubon.org/educate/kids/
Children of the Earth United: http://www.childrenoftheearth.org/
Energy Star Kids: http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=kids.kids_index
Evironmental Science Page from How Stuff Works: http://science.howstuffworks.com/environmental/green-science
Books about being green:
My First Green book by Angela Wilkes
Team Green Science Series by Robert Gardner
Environmental science & protection : keeping our planet green / by Cordelia Strange
Save the Earth science experiments : science fair projects for eco-kids / Elizabeth Snoke Harris
Hoot / Carl Hiaasen - Teen Fiction
Hoot / Carl Hiaasen - Teen Fiction
Last child in the woods : saving our children from nature-deficit disorder / Richard Louv
Reducing your carbon footprint in the kitchen / Linley Erin Hall
Not your typical book about the environment / Elin Kelsey ; illustrated by Clayton Hanmer.
Making good choices about renewable resources / Jeanne Nagle.
Natural resources : using and protecting earth's supplies / by Darlene R. Stille.
Websites for Green Science Fair ideas:
Trick or Treat for Unicef : http://youth.unicefusa.org/trickortreat/
Tips for a green home: http://www.squidoo.com/go-green-in-your-home-today
PBS list of things kids can do to help the environment: http://pbskids.org/zoom/activities/action/way04.html
10 more things to do: http://www.seql.org/kids.cfm
Check out kidServe Seattle to see if there is a volunteer opportunity that's right for you: http://www.kidserveseattle.org/volunteer-kids.aspx
Help clean a trail or join a preservation society:
Washington Trails Association work party schedule (kids are welcome!) :
Visit a Seattle Environmental Learning Center to see what else you can do: http://www.seattle.gov/parks/environment/elc.htm
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