What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

More on Energy.....


Physics: Why Matter Matters! by Dan Greenburg and Simon Basher 530 Greenburg Fernwood SnoIsle

Energy by Kay Manolis 531 Manolis Fernwood

Energy by Christine Webster 621.042 Web Fernwood

Kinetic and potential energy : understanding changes within physical systems by Jennifer Viegas Y531.6 VIE KCLS

Heat and Energy by Steven Parker J536 PARKER KCLS

Toying around with science : the physics behind toys and gags by Robert Friedhoffer Y688.728 FRI KCLS

Raceways : having fun with balls and tracks by Bernie Zubrikowski J796.3 KCLS

Making things move : DIY mechanisms for inventors, hobbyists, and artists by Dustyn Roberts 621.8 ROBERTS SnoIsle KCLS

Bite-sized science : activities for children in 15 minutes or less by John H. Falk and Kristi S. Rosenberg 372.3504 FALK SnoIsle

Awesome experiments in force & motion by Michael DiSpezio J 531.6 DISPEZI SnoIsle

Gizmos & gadgets : creating science contraptions that work (& knowing why) by Jill Frankel Hauser J 500 HAUSER SnoIsle

DVDs and video links:

Energy with Bill Nye JDVD 531.6 ENE KCLS

Energy: potential & kinetic Videocassette J531.6 ENERGY KCLS

Energy by Asa Kalam JDVD 530 ENE KCLS SnoIsle

Roller coaster physics [videorecording] / Discovery Channel School J DVD-ED 531 ROL4 SnoIsle

YouTube: Eureka! Episode 9 Kinetic Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zhX01toLjZs

YouTube: Eureka! Episode 10 Potential Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rn470XtSYK0&feature=related

YouTube: Wiley E Coyote and RoadRunner demonstrate Potential Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnj8mc04r9E&feature=related

YouTube: Student video on Potential and Kinetic Engergy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8abzpXCjyjA&NR=1

YouTube: Bill Nye on Energy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ASLLiuejAo

Websites and links:

Class Zone on Energy http://www.classzone.com/books/ml_science_share/vis_sim/mem05_pg69_potential/mem05_pg69_potential.html

Physics 4 Kids


PowerPoint presentations on Energy and Matter


Need some help with your Science Fair project? There will be workshops available for help starting March 21st during lunch recesses. Also, both SnoIsle and King County Library Systems have online resources available from your home computer.

KCLS Homework Help page http://www.kcls.org/homework_help/

SnoIsle Homework Help page http://www.sno-isle.org/?ID=2777

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