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Saturday, October 30, 2010

More Polymers

Here are some more places and books to investigate polymers:

Oobleck, slime & dancing spaghetti: twenty terrific at-home science experiments inspired by favorite children's books by Jennifer Williams J 507.8 WILLIAM

Plastics and polymers science fair projects: using hair gel, soda bottles, and slimy stuff / Madeline Goodstein TEEN 507.8 GOODSTE

The Earth's resources / Richard and Louise Spilsbury J 333.7 SPILSBU

The way toys work : the science behind the magic 8 ball, etch a sketch, boomerang, and more / Ed Sobey and Woody Sobey. 688.728 SOBEY

Plastics and polymers science fair projects, revised and expanded using the scientific method
Author: Goodstein, Madeline P. Y540.78 GOO 2010

Title: Materials science
Author: Ward, D. J. (David John) J620.11 WAR

Plastics & polymers
Author: Mebane, Robert C. J547.7 MEB

Investigating Solids, Liquids, And Gases With Toys by Jerry Sarquis

Lucky Science: Accidental Discoveries From Gravity to Velcro, with Experiments by Royston M. Roberts

Mistakes that worked by Charlotte Foltz Jones 609 Jones
Toys! : amazing stories behind some great inventions by Don Wulffson 688.7 Wulf
Polymer Websites:
http://pslc.ws/macrog/kidsmac/index.htm website for the University of Mississippi’s Polymer Science Learning Center

http://www.nationalgeographic.com/resources/ngo/education/plastics National Geographic’s website about Polymers

http://scienceprojectideasforkids.com/2010/polymer-slime-facts Website by science author Jan VanCleave

http://web.mit.edu/Invent/iow/sillyputty.html MIT’s website on the invention of Silly Putty


http://www.sciencebob.com/experiments/videos/index.php Three videos from Science Bob on making slime.

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