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Monday, March 8, 2010

Miscellaneous Science Fun

Here are some science fun suggestions that don't fit into the other categories.

Movie Science by Jim Wiese J778.53

Sandbox scientist : real science activities for little kids by Michael E. Ross 372.3504 ROSS

Bubble monster and other science fun by John H. Falk 507.8 BUBBLE

How to fossilize your hamster : and other amazing experiments for the armchair scientist by Mick O'Hare 507.8 OHARE

365 simple science experiments with everyday materials by E. Richard Churchill J 507.8 CHURCHI

Rocket science : 50 flying, floating, flipping, spinning gadgets kids create themselves by Jim Wiese J 507.8 WIESE

Balloons : building and experimenting with inflatable toys by Bernie Zubrowski J 507.8 ZUBROWS

While you're waiting for the food to come : a tabletop science activity book : experiments and tricks that can be done at a restaurant, the dining room table, or wherever food is served by Eric

Muller J 507.8 MULLER

You gotta try this! : absolutely irresistible science by Vicki Cobb and Kathy Darling J 507.8 COBB

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