What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Keep investigating the world around you!

Science is everywhere!    

We once again had a great turnout for our Science Fair this year.  It is fun to look at all the experiments, listen to students explain their experiment and in general see everyone having fun.  For me this year a highpoint was walking down the corridor listening to a daughter say to her dad, "Science Fairs are fun, aren't they Dad?".  That's what it is all about - making the science fun and interesting, and seeing it all around you.  However, it is also nice to see that this experiment of adding a Science Fair to our school has had some very positive measurable results.   The April 26th edition of Northshore Connections mentions Fernwood Elementary as one of the schools recognized by the Washington State Board of Education and the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction as making exceptional gains in student achievement in science.  Also, when I attended the Skyview Junior High Parents night for incoming 7th graders, the seventh grade science teacher mentioned how the students from Fernwood really "got" the scientific methods already.  Congratulations to all the parents, teachers and kids who worked hard on the Science Fair and projects - your hard work has really paid off.  Thank you, Amy Oliver, for getting the whole thing started!

My 6th grader and I are moving on to Skyview and I hope that someone will take over the blog.  It is a fun way to contribute and easy to do.  If anyone wishes to take over the blog, contact me through the blog or Amy at amyroliver@gmail.com.  In the meantime, keep exploring the world around you!

Summer Science! 

Family Friendly Math Camp; Science Time

Age Group(s): Children and Families
Date: 6/20/2013
Start Time: 7:00 PM
Make math and science connections, and increase literacy skills, during these
 fun and activity-based programs. Free. For Ages 0 – Grade 3. Are you in 4th Grade
or older?
Check out the Tween Science Program, offered at the same time.
Library: Snohomish Library

Tween Science Program
Age Group(s): Children and Families
Date: 6/20/2013
Start Time: 7:00 PM
End Time: 8:30 PM
Keep your Science Mojo going over summer vacation! For Grade 4 and up. Join us for experiments on the following topics:
Thursday, June 20: Electricity
Thursday, July 18: Cells and Simple Organisms
Thursday, August 15: Force and Motion
Not in 4th Grade yet? Check out the Family Friendly Math & Science Time, offered at the same time.
Library: Snohomish Library
Dig into Mad Science: Up, Up, and Away!
Event Type: School-Age Program
Age Group(s): Children and Families, All Ages
Date: 6/21/2013
Start Time: 4:00 PM
End Time: 5:00 PM
Spellbinding tricks will show how air pressure affects the world around us. See a hot air balloon made out of a dry-cleaning bag, learn the science behind a parachute, watch a vortex generator at work, ride a hovercraft, and experience cinematic special effects!
Library: Lynnwood Library
Location: Large meeting room

 Visit a local museum or enroll in a summer camp.  

Pacific Science Center

Many of the local museums have memberships that work as part of a network.   Make sure
you check to see if your museum membership will get you into a museum in another city when
 you are on vacation: 

Pacific Science center offers reciprocal membership with other ASTC member museums.  http://www.astc.org/members/passlist.htm

Burke Museum offers reciprocal Membership with the Port Townsend Marine Science Center
and Stonerose Fossil Center in Republic, WA.

Also, many local Seattle museums offer free or discounted days, many on the first Thursday
of the month.  http://freemuseumday.org/sea.html

Use the Library!  There are many free science (and other) programs offered free through
 the libraries.  There are many science related books, audio books and videos on the shelves.   There is access to information through databases, kids pages and links to science related
activities.  KCLS offers some free museum passes. 


Explore the world around you.

Take a hike and explore:

Go bicycling and explore:

Check out these great websites:

Discover Life (great nature website, lots of information, maps and pictures)

Cornell University (Birds website)

Astronomy for Kids  http://www.kidsastronomy.com/

Stargazers  (online siter for the PBS astronomy short)

NOAA Website (study about tides)  http://www.education.noaa.gov/

Have fun!