What's New At Pacific Science Center

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Need a Little Help for the Science Fair?

*****Want a little more personal help? Come to the science workshops Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Fernwood library during lunch recess starting March 21st.
We’d love to see you!*****

Sunday, March 6, 2011

2011 Science Fair Documents are here!

Have you thought of what question you want to try to answer for the Science Fair this year?

Our Science Fair is coming on Friday, April 15th!

Read about our Science Fair Guidelines, get your registration document, and check out some good questions to get you started thinking about what you are interested in doing for the Science Fair.

Science Fair Registration document: (These will be due back to school by Tuesday 29 March 2011)
Science Fair Questions:

Science Fair Guidelines:

Remember, the most important thing to do is have fun!

Here are some websites to help you see what fun ways you can explore your world through science:

Fun with Bill Nye http://www.billnye.com/
Fun science song "Put it to the Test" by They Might Be Giants http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kf51FpBuXQ
Fun Science video: YouTube video Mythbuster's Mentos + Diet Coke experiment

Friday, March 4, 2011

Other fun ways to experience science

Visit the Burke Museum for one of their fun hands on learning days:

Dino Days March 5th 9-4 http://www.washington.edu/burkemuseum/events/index.php http://vimeo.com/10292552 and several other events throughout the year.

Watch the Robotics Competition at QWest Field on March 18th and 19th

Visit the UW Engineering Department's Discovery Days in April

Plant some Sunflowers and help scientists track the bee population http://www.greatsunflower.org/

Play a game or let your home computer help science:

Fold It, a game that helps scientists analyze the structure of protiens

http://fold.it/portal/info/science#whygame or use your computer to help when you aren't using it with Rosetta@Home http://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta/

Free Rice, fun quizzes on science, math, geography and vocabulary that also help donate food to World Food Programme to help fight hunger.


Have your computer help with the search for Extraterrestrial life when you aren't using it with

Seti@Home http://setiathome.berkeley.edu/

Learn about Watson, the IBM computer that won on Jeopardy!
